Real People.
Real Pizzas. Real Impact

We put people to the test — not just on taste, but on where profits go. What would you choose?
CEO bonuses or nutrition education? Private yacht retreats or life-changing camp experiences for children facing adversity?
Try the experiment
at home yourself!
Ready for a fun and meaningful challenge? Here’s how it works:

Grab a friend
a parent, a sibling, the mailman, or whoever is closest to you and see if they can tell that good really does taste better.

Get two pizzas
both the same flavor of any variety of Newman’s Own, but don’t tell them that!.

Tell them
one pizza comes from a company where the CEOs only get big bonuses and don’t give back to the people.
The other pizza comes from a company where 100% of the profits go to help kids facing adversity.

Have them taste
both pizzas
and see if they can tell which one is from the company that gives back.

Nominate 3 people
to try the challenge for themselves and see if they can see that good really does taste better.

Tag @NewmansOwn
on Instagram and @Newmansownfood on TikTok so we can share your posts on our social channels!
Let's spread the word and show that making
a difference can be delicious! 🍕✨
Where to buy
See where you can shop for Newman’s Own products at a store near you.